Pet Vaccinations
Ensure that pets are shielded from disease and common illnesses.
Pet Vaccinations
For more than 40 years, pets have been receiving vaccinations. It is easy to forget that fatal illnesses are rarely seen, thanks to vaccinations. It is critical to provide not only your pet with the best vaccine plan but also your family and even your community. Vaccinations help to protect your pets against diseases and parasites such as Lyme, Leptospirosis, Kennel Cough, Influenza, Rabies, and Distemper. At Companion Veterinary Health Center, we realize that people travel with their pets now more than ever. Dog parks are gaining in popularity, as are doggie daycare, cat enrichment centers, etc. We will discuss the best vaccination protocol for your pet. We understand concerns about over-vaccinating, and that is why we use our 3-year protocol vaccines whenever possible. Age, breed, gender, and lifestyle are all factors we consider when creating your pet’s vaccine protocol.
Veterinary Services
Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at Companion Veterinary Health Center. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.